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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 23:42:40
As part of the wider movement, pensioners’ forums in Britain go back to the 1930s, initially focusing on economic issues but more recently encompassing community care policy. The growth of forums in particular has been motivated by the demand for a local voice which has hardly been met by the more distant, politically conscious national campaigning. Such forums have offered a channel for older people’s voices to be heard within the local authority decision-marking framework (Carter and Nash, 1995)
Although there are more retired women than men the former are underrepresented in leadership roles. This is also the case for older people from minority ethnic groups (Carter and Nash, 1995). Nevertheless, the Older Women’s Project has grown out of the broad movement, mobilizing around anti-ageism, poor health, and poverty among older women, this in turn, has stimulated older Caribbean women to organise around specific types of sickness. The project (under the banner of the London bas

作为较宽的运动的一部份,在英国的领年金者的论坛回去 1930 年代,最初把重心集中在经济的议题除了最近更常包含社区照料政策。特别是论坛的生长已经被对几乎不没有被更远又政治有意识国民叁加活动见面的一种地方声音的要求给与动机。如此的论坛已经为老年人的声音提出一个通道在地方当局为决定作标记的结构里面被听到(卡特和纳什, 1995)
虽然超过男人先前者有更退休的女人在领导角色中是代表低于适当比例的。这也是少数的族群的老年人的情形。(卡特和纳什, 1995)然而,较年长的女子的计画已经戒除宽广运动,在比较年长的女人之中的反对老年人的歧视,不佳的健康和贫穷的周围动员,这依次,已经刺激比较年长的加勒比海的女人在疾病的特定类型的周围组织。计画 (在被建立的伦敦名义下发红的)也已经着手进行松弛的议题正式的支持较年长的女人声音已经传统地保持哑的照顾老人者。(Gurtis, 1995)另外地相对地成功的政治活动包括行动的在年长的之上虐待压力小组已经藉由确定,练习的讨论被允许较高的描绘公共政策议程运用冲击. (史莱特, 1995)