
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/14 05:33:29
Olaf can go through the tunnel on the left to reach a teleporter. As
soon as he goes through, Tomator steals the Dennis Hopper's line from
Speed and starts a chain reaction that will soon drop those block on
your two buddies.

Immediately grab the METAL DOOHICKEY and once the barrier opens up go
right and give it to Scorch or Fang (make sure Scorch or Fang is close
enough to take it. They will fix the time machine and be whisked away
to safety, thwarting Tomator's evil will.



Olaf通过左边的隧道走,找到一个传送点~与此同时,Tomator从Speed偷了Dennis Hopper 的线(这一段实在不知道该怎么译,Speed不知道是人名还是什么,Line也是)导致了一场连锁反应:马上那些方块就会掉在你们俩的头上。
