horse sweat;men perspire;young ladies glow

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/26 03:53:34

这句话主要是强调婉言雅语的表达方式。它以流汗举例,sweat 只能用在动物身上,人用perspire, 但是男女还有区别,就像我们中文表达一样,男人是满身臭汗,女人却是香汗淋漓!!


“A study shows that female use more euphemisms than male do. There is a saying in English: ‘horse sweat; men perspire; young ladies glow.’ (Brock, 1973:73) Women use obscure word to express the action of sweat. And the difference of gender and age usually influence the choice of the synonyms of euphemism. For instance, there are a variety of expressions about ‘go to toilet’. Men use the expression ‘to shoot a lion’. Adults may say ‘to go to w.c.’. And children say ‘to go to the pot’.”[7]

意思是女人和男人的选词不同. 女人用词更...不清楚(其实就是委婉)

an kind of euphemism,the difference of gender