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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 10:28:52


The 20th century, the most important media theorist Marshall McLuhan has put forward the "medium is the message" assertion, consider the spread of technology will lead to any progress in human affairs in terms of scale, pace, or the type of change. Indeed, the rapid development of information technology impact on the original thinking inertia, rapidly changing media ecology traditional territory. Internet insignificant from the initial to subsequent irresistible force, the "fourth media" as early as no one has been more uncertain. Today, the development of communication technology makes a wide range of universal and application of mobile phones to mobile phones reported as a new media appears in the audience before, the paper reported on the development of cell phone background, development of a brief summary and a brief analysis of the development trend of mobile phones reported, offer some suggestions.


The 20th century, t