
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 08:07:04
I was about to give the man a hand when I heard it, a sound that sent a horrible chill through me—the sound of a train whistle moaning in the darkness. I looked toward the tracks. I could see the silhouette of the woman in the pickup. Oh, Lord, I thought, not again. Just then the engine's light appeared down the tracks, growing bigger by the second. Even if they saw the trapped truck, it could take miles to stop a freight train moving at top speed. “No time for the tow truck!” I shouted to the driver and sprinted toward the crossing. Something flashed through my mind: the image of my great-nephew riding his bike, and me not being able to stop what was going to happen.

我正要向那个男人伸出手(正要帮他)的时候,听到了黑暗中火车发出的呼啸声,这声音让我心中生出恐怖的寒意。我向轨道上看去,依稀看到敞篷车上有一个女人的轮廓。上帝啊,我想,但愿这种事情不要再发生了!就在那时,火车头的光已经照在了轨道上,很快就变得强烈。尽管他们看到了轨道上被困的敞篷车,想要一辆最高速行驶的货运车停下来也需要好几英里。“等拖车过来已经来不及了!” 我一边冲着司机喊道,一边飞快地向十字路口跑去。我的脑海中闪过一个画面:我的侄孙骑着他的脚踏车的,而我却无力阻止即将发生的事件。

I was about to give the man a hand when I heard it, a sound that sent a horrible chill through me—the sound of a train whistle moaning in the darkness.

I looked toward the tracks.

I could see the silhouette of the woman in the pickup.

Oh, Lord, I thought, not again.

Just then the engine's light appeared down the tracks, growing bigger by the second.
然后就在引擎的光出现下来轨道, 成长的比较大的在秒之前。

Even if they saw the trapped truck, it could take miles to stop a freight train moving at top speed.

“No time for the tow t