
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/18 04:36:03


As a result of nationality's migration, the economic life development, between the nationality contacts factors and so on deepening, people's living conditions had the change, the culture correspondingly have also had the vicissitude, the clothing culture aspect have reflected this phenomenon directly.This article take the Guizhou Province Shuicheng County jade shed township Yi national minority clothing as the research case, discusses the clothing vicissitude the performance and the vicissitude reason

Because the race change residence, economic life exhibition, race of indirectly touch to deepen an etc. factor, people's living environment took place variety, culture also corresponded ground to take place a change, and dress cultural directly reflected this phenomenon.This text with the expensive water city county in state province jade give up the country Yi clan dress for study an individual case, inquiry into the reason of performance and change of dress change.