金·凯利电影的经典台词~~~~~~ 英文的最好哦~~~~ 谢谢各位大虾啦~~

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/03 02:37:37
记得标明电影名称哦~~~~~ 喜欢金凯利的都来吧~·~ 说的好的我会给加分哦 谢谢啦
Jim Carrey 哦 各位朋友给点回答吧 ~~~ 不过先谢谢两位啦 但是除了楚门的世界 还有其他电影的台词吗?

The early bird gathers no moss! The rolling stone catches the worm!

Good morning, and in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!
——《The Truman Show》


It's party time. P, A, R, T. Why? Because I gotta!

——《The Mask》


Heads up! Good defense! Good defense!
——《Ace Ventura: Pet Detective》

Hey, look, the Monkees. They were a huge influence on the Beatles.

We don't usually pick up hitchhikers... but I'm-a gonna go with my instincts on this one. Saddle up partner!
——《Dumb & Dumber》

Just because I rock doesn't mean I'm made of stone.

Charlie's like origami, he folds under pressure.
——《Me, Myself & Irene》

I can't stand the constant nagging. I'm leaving you, Jerry. I'm leaving you - and I'm taking the monk