
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 12:12:56

每个时区差一小时,且向东+时差, 8点 自西向东先转到东一后东二故8点
(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……选我吧!


每个时区差一小时,且向东+时差,So 8点


Theoretically, the difference between different time zone can be calculated by a subtraction of the west one from the east one.
But, some practical reason will make it more complex:
1. Some country use the same time zone of all its territory, despite the territory cross more than one time zone.
2. Some country use the Daylight Saving Time. i.e. In different season, time in the same time zone might be different.
For more information, you can google. Or view:
A lovely website about time zone.