
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/22 07:28:44

Zhang Ji,仲雅words, the nest, after the state Weinan resettlement. Zhi were made early, after the behavior. Father Fang, Dian-Zhong Shao supervisor. Ji less aspiring Festival, before meeting with Yam殿前承旨to Xi-ru industry Xianwen seek test for Guozijian Tak. Caozhou people have been falsely accused killer, according to Chao, the fat擿rape volts, redress grievances of people.
Medium至道, Tung Shan Zhou contractors, and then sent to the Department of grain to hay Lingwu, on changing the country's sub-Dr. Hampyeong early擢为transit副使Shaanxi, Chee Fei fish. To Yan'an, when the summer people入寇, defeated the pro-督兵. Three years, Resettlement Nishikawa副使transit. Wang Chao discussed when to feed rates of labor, the Department of员外郎transfer risk. Thief-ping, for the four sub-Chuan Gap to Ji Wei state road transit so. Has recommended Qiwu do, the response also, such as Beijing so delegated, Jingyang original jurisdiction and to know the town seal戎军. Resettlement lin Rd seal jurisdiction