
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/12 09:12:59

绝对魔兽世界一模一样你弄个测试号就行了15级前不要钱的 试试吧 3 4月份公测


Aion China OBT Jan. 1st 2009 …
Originally Posted by Yas
Nice to see that China is getting beta so soon. On the other hand I see that I must clarify few things to some people that still haven't figured out stuff. Now the first thing. Western launch is 2-4 months after chinese LAUNCH so March is VERY unlikely. (Hell they haven't even started translating some stuff of the game yet.) Second: About the damn Preview events. I really cannot understand what is so freaking hard to understand the concept. Beta is WORK. Betatesting means YOU WORK FOR THEM. Preview events on the other hand are LIKE beta but WITHOUT the work. So it's not just character customization. It's actual gameplay. And the final Preview events will be pretty much open to everyone. So summary for those who are too lazy/stupid to read: Preview Event = Open Beta without be