艺术源于生命 英文翻译

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/24 05:52:53

Art is born of life.

我真是觉得No life,no arts.没有生命,就没有艺术。很好。很适合当标题,也很有No pains,no gains.的风格!
Life creates arts.生命造就了艺术。
Arts come from life.艺术来自生命
Art is a kind of life.艺术是生命的一部分
No life,no arts.没有生命,就没有艺术。(我觉得这个超好!很有感觉)


论文的要尽量正式些:Art originates from life.
演讲的要形象生动些:Life is the mother of art.或是 hkp1992 所说的那个No life,no arts也不错!

Art is born of life.
Art is life's son.
Art is based on life.
另外我也觉得no life,no arts不错

Art comes from life.
Art origins from life.