
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/21 16:17:34
第一季第17集中lynette的双胞胎儿子得了虱子,为此另一个主妇不让双胞胎去参加她儿子的生日party。lynette为了证明自己的儿子不是虱子的源头去找护士询问真正的源头是谁。护士不同意。于是lynette说到:"Acting like parents won't assign blame is like pretending they don't keep score at pee-wee league games. It's human nature. If you don't give the moms someone to blame, they'll pick a scapegoat. I can't let my boys be the scapegoat."
后面的话我理解,但是第一句话Acting like parents won't assign blame is like pretending they don't keep score at pee-wee league games.该怎么理解呢?还请多多指教,谢谢。

peewee league games指的是小孩的游戏。没有什么不清楚的地方啊。


i also want to konow the meanig of this sentence. tell me as soon as you konow pleaese pleaese~~~