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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/29 05:09:20

According to market research analysis, the city's residential projects completed in recent years, more concentrated market, in varying degrees, reducing the supply and demand pressure on the housing market; of which a considerable number of residential projects are in high-grade; prices were too high and inhibit the buyers of the rigid requirements for housing. Although the sun has some real estate developers making some real estate marketing ads, and its sale price is still higher than the buyers of psychological expectations, mostly wait-and-see. Recent second-hand housing market prices fall, also is a normal rational regression. In addition, the central bank to reduce the individual deposit, lending rates; to reduce the commercial bank loan interest rates; the city government actively introduced aimed at encouraging the public to actively purchase of the relevant policies, Board国土房管corresponding transaction deed tax relief and reduce property transaction costs; co