灌篮高手 vs 泽北

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/01 13:23:58
May I know what s 泽北's speciality ? He isnt as tall as Rukawa and Sendo , only 186cm and quite slim compare with the other two.

I know his speed is very fast and have great reflex. what else does he have ?

one on one时的绝对得分能力,如果一对一日本目前没人能赢他,想要分就一定能拿到,也没有人能轻易过他。还有遇到鸿沟一定会想方设法跨过去的斗志(这点很像流川),难得一见的篮球天赋,接触篮球很早,有一个打篮球很出色的老爸(这点和龙马很像),他爸爸说过从小到大他就没有遇到过真正的对手,可见他不是一般的天才。