
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/25 18:37:33

你的第一个链接和第二个不一样,而第二个打不开,我按第一个给你写的:)是cinderella,Raven Symone的歌,SHE翻唱过。

Raven Symone - Cinderella

When I was just a little girl
my mama used to tuck me into bed
she read me a story

Chanel: It always was about a princess in distress
and how a guy would save her
and end up in glory

Dorinda: I'd lie in bed and think about
the person that I wanted to be

Aqua: Then one day I realised
a fairytale life wasn't for me cuz

I don't wanna be like Cinderella
sitting in a dark cold dusty cellar
waiting for somebody to come and set me free

I don't wanna be like someone waiting
for a handsome prince to come and save me
no I will survive unless somebody's on my side

I'd rather be no one eeelse
I'd rather rescue myself

I can slay (I can slay) my own dragons
I can dream (I can dream) my