
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/24 09:47:48


D: This is Dulgen.

K: Mr. President I’m afraid we are in an urgent situation now here

D: How bad could it be? Bann?

K: According to Lorria, We got a group of Soviet aircrafts coming up from a small range pushing up from Mexicao. I don’t know how to get rid all of them

D: You’d better consult Northrand. It just doesn’t make any sense. I’ll call the Kromall (克里姆里宫)

K:We’ll do.

R: Za, Premier Remublov

D: What’s going on there, Alex!

R: Why? Mr. President, What ever do you mean?

D: Alex, I…,I…,I have a, you saw everything you’ve got it.

D: We suppose to be allies. You know me, Alex? You know I don’t want to put you to office.

R: Listen, very carefully, I’m not your pet Mr. President. We Remublove have our legacy to consider.

D: I wouldn’t care about your legacy. You call them off. Alex, you call them o