
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/18 12:32:07


A miserable and merry Christmas? How could it be?

A Miserable, Merry Christmas

Christmas was coming. I wanted a pony. To make sure that my parents understood, I declared that I wanted noting else.
"Nothing but a pony?" my father asked.
"Nothing," I said.
"Not even a pair of high boots?"
That was hard. I did want boots, but I stuck to the pony. "No, not even boots."
"Nor candy? There ought to be something to fill your stocking with, and Santa Claus can't put a pony into a stocking,"
That was true, and he couldn't lead a pony down the chimney either . But no. "All I want is a pony," I said. "If I can't have a pony, give me nothing, nothing."
On Christmas Eve I hung up my stocking along with my sisters.
The next morning my sisters and I woke up at six. Then we raced downstairs to the f