
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/22 19:37:32
China ? The great leap forward cost an estimated 50 million chinese lives, yeah you go there government! Becky the truth is that if americans really knew how their governments are screwing them every day there just might be a pitchfork and torch scene in every US town/city. In the great Northeastern US (where virtually all government employees are unionized )government employees (Fed, State and Local) enjoy benefits and pay that the average american worker could only imagine after smoking a bong full.

It is amazing how Dems worship government. Your faith in government probably stems from the fact that either you or your husband/dad are government employees. If government is the answer then it follows that the more government we have the better the society. Um....lets see some examples of more government. Soviet Union, wow there was a great success! NAZI Germany, yep just a great place to live and prosper. Cuba, 50 y

中国? 这个飞跃以付出了5000万中国人的生命为代价,事实是,如果美国人人的知道他们的政府每天如何镇压他们,在美国的美一个城市就会是干草和火炬的景象,在伟大的美国东北地区(所有政府雇员联合的地方)政府官员正享受着一个普通美国工人吸完大烟后在能想的利益和报酬


上半部分:中国? 这个飞跃以付出了5000万中国人的生命为代价,事实是,如果美国人人的知道他们的政府每天如何镇压他们,在美国的美一个城市就会是干草和火炬的景象,在伟大的美国东北地区(所有政府雇员联合的地方)政府官员正享受着一个普通美国工人吸完大烟后在能想的利益和报酬
下半部分: 政府越多社会越好,然后用几个国家举例子,苏联(纳粹党一帮),德国(也只不过是个居住的好环境),古巴(开着50年代的破车,一无所有,除了政府什么都没有) 文章主要观点是政府官员多不一定好

首先是一堆对社会 主义 国家 的讽刺, 然后说:中国? 大 跃 进 牺牲 了 50m 条命。然后反问你真要这种体制么?
