
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/21 16:56:02

First, commercial bribery crimes relating to criminal law provisions of the following eight offenses: (1) non-national staff of taking bribes (Penal Code Article 163rd); (2) of non-national staff bribery (Penal 160th 14); (3) taking bribes (385th Criminal Law Article); (4) units of taking bribes (387th Criminal Law Article); (5) bribery (Criminal Code Article 389th); (6) units bribery (Criminal Code Article 391st); (7) introduction bribery (Criminal Code Article 392nd); (8) units of the crime of bribery (Criminal Code Article 393rd).

     Second, criminal law, the 163rd, the 164th article of the "Other units", including both public institutions, social organizations, village committees, neighborhood committees, village groups, the permanent organization, but also for the organization of Sport events, theatrical performances, or other legitimate activities of the organizing committee set up by the Preparatory Committee, project contracting teams, and so