
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 06:52:23

On the overall structure, the Chinese and English newspapers and news in general by the title, introduction and the body language of these three parts. The title of the content of news tips, summary, reviews, news are of "eyes." Novel and unique title can effectively attract the attention of readers. Leads are a key part of news, usually reported in the first paragraph. Lead News are the main contents of the enrichment, it is like, like road signs to help readers decide whether to read the news reports. News of the body is the main part of the news. Chinese-English News the body of the structure of models are usually divided into the following three types: Shun described method, described in the pyramid and inverted pyramid method described. Shun method described in chronological order according to news facts, apply to the complexity of the incident reports; pyramid describes the importance of law in accordance with the events from low to high order, will be the most impor