
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/21 12:47:34
跨媒体新闻平台 媒介运营新格局

中文摘要:伴随着数字技术的广泛应用和网络传播的迅猛发展,“媒介融合”已成为媒介变革中最为明显的趋势,同时也改变了信息消费方式——由传统媒介对信息的分割式消费向集合式模式转变。媒介融合似乎是一股不可逆转的洪流,从不同的层面和维度,扑面而来。我们正亲历着媒介融合时代所带给我们的欣喜与迷惑、机遇与挑战,并在媒介的生存与消亡的预言中思考着媒介的命运。透过眼花缭乱的融合现象,探究融合的动因,对于正确认识这种新的传播形态,以及新的媒介环境的发展趋势,对于深刻理解媒介融合所带来的各个层面的冲击和影响,准确把握媒介的发展方向,皆有重要意义。 从1996年我国成立第一家报业集团到2000年广电业拉开集团化的序幕,再到报业和广电联手诞生跨媒介综合传媒集团,一路走来,成功转型的媒介集团在企业运营中抓住了机遇,迎接了挑战。如何扬长避短继续发展下去,把企业做大做强,值得我们去思考。针对这一问题就着重从媒介融合的多维内涵、跨媒体新闻平台综效、媒体集团建设与运营、媒介集团机遇与挑战这四个方面来论述,以期能说明媒介融合——跨媒体新闻平台的发展状况和遇到的困境、及正确把握媒介融合内涵把媒介集团运营得更大更强。


ross-media news media operation platform for the new pattern

Abstract: along with the wide application of digital technology and the rapid development of network communication, media integration "has become the most obvious changes of media, also changed the ways of information consumption -- traditional media for information to split type consumption pattern changes. JiGeShi Media seems to be a fusion of irreversible, from different aspects and dimension, winds. We are living a media mergence age brings us joy and confused, opportunities and challenges in the media, and the survival and die in the prediction of the fate of the thinking of media. Through the integration of dazzling, the fusion in understanding and spread this new form, and the development trend of the new media environment, for understanding the media mergence brings the impact and influence all aspects of media, grasping the direction of development, has important significance. From 1996 China first