
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/28 18:03:51
我之所以选择加拿大作为留学目的地有几个原因。首先,是因为加拿大的教育水平高,中小学大学都保持一流的教育水平,加拿大大学在中国享有很高声誉,留学加拿大的学生都有较好的前程。其次是加拿大与中国一直保持着良好的外交关系。而且加拿大一直被排名为世界上最适宜人类居住的地方,到处都是花园式的社区, 环境优美、气候宜人、犯罪率低、社会治安良好。最后则是因为我舅妈和表兄弟在温哥华生活,他们对温哥华有一定的了解,能够为我提供许多生活上及学习上的帮助,以便我能更快的适应留学生活。
我计划在 Magee Secondary School继续完成我的学业因为我舅妈就住在附近。我表哥也在那里读书。这所学校的教学质量高,学生的各项成绩都不错。不但如此,Magee的乐队和合唱队都在当地有很好的声誉。我非常喜欢小提琴,但由于学习任务重,无法经常练习,所以选择这所学校能够使我更好的学习我所喜爱的。同时,我也会尽力完成我的课程,追上所有毕业所需的学分,为今后进入大学学习做好充分的准备。

I enjoy studying, and have a certain degree of learning methods, the same time, I also love outdoor sports, such as jogging, skating and badminton.

I was born in China and raised from childhood to accept China's education. Although the Chinese education system constantly changes, more and more attention to the holistic development of students and abilities, but on the whole or some of the traditional. Therefore, I have been longing for the East be able to experience different cultural environment, and to the West be able to study advanced science and cultural knowledge in order to be able to serve the future of my homeland.

I chose Canada as a destination for several reasons. First of all, because in Canada are high levels of education, primary and secondary schools of our universities have to maintain a first-class level of education, Canadian universities enjoy a high reputation in China, Canadian students studying abroad have a better future. Followe