
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/28 04:37:23
Several hundred of the items from the auction of personal property of Michael Jackson (for more details see earlier news items) are to be displayed at a Newbridge showroom in Kildare (Ireland) starting March 6, 2009 and will run for two weeks.

The choice of Ireland as the only European venue for an exhibition was made by Martin Nolan, the co-owner of Julien’s Auctions which is conducting the sale.

“We originally planned to display his belongings for a week in London and a week in Ireland, but we decided that his fans are committed enough to travel to Ireland, where there is a purpose-built museum that we’ve used before to exhibit pop memorabilia.

The contents are being finalised, but the focus will be on his style. We’ll also be exhibiting some of his personal effects, paintings and some of the lighter pieces of furniture.

In keeping with Michael’s life, it will be a show, full of theatre and music.”

Among the lots on view will be





按照迈克尔的生活,这将是一场表演,充满戏剧和音乐。 “

在手认为将是一个收集5水晶手套出现在短片'鬼' (指导价格€ 3900至€ 5500 ) 。参观者还可以看到身穿夹克迈克尔杰克逊的危险之旅(指导价格€ 1000 ) ,一个钻覆盖马术的帽子戴在1981年的胜利之旅(指导价格€ 400 ) ,一对钻,刺绣压克力管穿袜子的同游(指导价格€ 465到€ 625 )和一个兄弟月球人奖(指导价格€ 6000 ) 。


“用了一组30人近90天的移动和标签的内容房子。删除大理石壁炉,从意大利进口的城堡,成本仅€ 17000 。
财产是迈克尔离开了它,与自己的外套挂在钩在走廊和工作人员仍保持在众议院和理由。 “

诺兰和他的生意合伙人达伦朱利安的内容存储在不三不四仓库和拖车,以“多样化的风险,一些物品被盗。 ”诺兰表示: “出售是一个巨大的安全作业。 2000年的项目有可能售价为1.2米和之间€ €二点四米,但可以使更多的是因为明星的因素。 “拍卖会还将包括一个Fedora的穿的艺人在录像中的'比莉珍。



“他的最后一章,在他的生活和运动的。 ”
