
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/22 17:05:02
题目:A snowstorm hit biejing 谢谢了

Everybody is happy in the preparations for New Year's, abnormal fierce snowstorm hit our country. Heavy snowfall in many parts of the weather has continued for a few days, the snowstorm has become a hot issue at present, has become the most common we need to spend the storm. The snowstorm has brought us a lot of thinking:

Snowstorm damage. The country, after the snowstorm, water blackout, traffic disruption, the large number of passengers stranded at stations and airports, long-term saturation point under the logistics and energy systems in extreme circumstances has become not much room for maneuver because of inclement weather the impact of Even the main stock index began to drop, it can be said, has touched the entire national economy. If disposed of improperly, could lead to tension in the panic and social disorder. From the region, although this year a positive impact on the agricultural soil moisture content, but the facilities are being developed agriculture is