
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/27 05:12:40
Lincoln and Sara go to Miami where they have tracked Gretchen, T-Bag and Self. Lincoln tells her that he will find Scylla. Searching for answers, a woman named Tia shows Lincoln who Erica is. Suddenly, he is shot at. Lincoln returns fire. The people after him escape.
Michael wakes up in a guest room of The Company. He sees Ferguson outside with a guard. Michael meets Dr. Knowlton, who informs him about his mother. The doctor gives him a stack of childhood photographs.

Tia is in cahoots with Carruth, but Lincoln has taken Tia's wallet. Lincoln sends T-Bag and Self to Tia's apartment.

Pad Man encourages Sara to relax and enjoy her stay in the hotel. But she cannot.

In Tia's apartment, T-Bag and Self collect "evidence" as they plot to take down Lincoln. Gretchen says that they will try to move Scylla by boat. Mahone arrives in Miami.

As T-Bag and Gretchen scan the harbor, Self and Mahone go to the harbor master

林肯和Sara去迈阿密,他们在追踪Gretchen, T-Bag和Self。林肯告诉她,他将会找到Scylla。寻找问题的答案。一位名字叫做Tia的女子告诉林肯谁是Erica。突然,他开了枪,着火了,他身后的人逃跑了。
  迈克在公司的客房醒来,看见外面有一个曼联后卫,然后迈克去见了 Knowlton医生,医生告诉他一些关于他妈妈的事情,并且给他一些他童年的照片。
  Tia 串通了美国电信协会的Carruth,但是林肯拿了Tia的钱包,并且在她的公寓了把钱包给了T-Bag和Self。
  pad man鼓励Sara在酒店享受并且放松心情,但是她做不到。
  在Tia的公寓里, T-Bag和Self在搜集有关于一些陷害林肯的阴谋的证据(不知道怎么翻译了,,,,)Gretchen说他们将会用船把Scylla转移走,Mahone到达了迈阿密。
  T-Bag和Gretchen在渔港进行搜索,Self 和 Mahone 去到渔港管理者的办公室去搜集信息,他们找到一些旅客和试图离开的人,Lincoln 抓到了 Ted,Ted是与这三点都有联系的人。
  Knowlton医生,告诉Pan man他可能会把迈克炸死,Pan man 希望他快点行动。
  Mahone在渔港管理者的办公室理找到一份密码光碟,他们得知买主是来自迈阿密。Gretchen看见Carruth的照片,Lincoln告诉 Mahone关于迈克的现状,并让他尽快和公司联系。
  T-bag给Pan man 打电话报告了Sara的计划,Pan man 命令Knowlton去麻醉迈克并将其带出来,Knowlton说他可以掌控Sara.
  在客房,迈克反对有关于“小剂量毒品”的想法,Ferguson 要抓住迈克,但是迈克在房间的热水器那里做了手脚,并使其爆炸。Knowlton由于爆炸的冲击波而昏倒,迈克抢到枪,Ferguson 给Knowlton注射了东西,