
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/15 15:25:19
Technology, students' helper or not?
Nowadays, the advanced technology has widely come to almost every corner and it is unrealistic to avoid the technology in modern societies. A great number of new technologies have been researched every year particularly in IT industry. Also, students are consequently benefiting from some of the technologies which are specially designed. On the other hand, we should be cautious because the technology can also be negative sometime with its rapid advancement.

We have to thank the technology developed to help us, especially us students as it can be utilized to solve difficult and annoying problems and to learn entirely new things. For example, 3 years ago, we were able to use MSN just by sending instant messages and now, it is available for us to share videos, leave messages even when we are not online and its windows become more and more user-friendly. Therefore, it can be concluded that we can communicate with others more and more

写的挺好的,评分的话不好说,但以现在托福的标准的话,应该不错吧,不过建议你不用刻意写长句,比如the students should consider the question about whether they really need the technology as their helper discreetly before they take action so that they can utilize the technology most efficiently while the technology itself will not jeopardize them.这句话意思就不大清楚

