issue responsibility什么意思

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 12:03:16
The indictment does not specify his presence, but there's no question about it, issuing responsibility to him, I mean, just to sum up the indictment, and I'll read: "On the basis of all that has been set forth, the state commission confirms that Lieutenant Kurt Waldheim is a war criminal responsible for the war crimes described and assessed above." 这段话什么意思

起诉书中没有具体说明他的存在,但毫无疑问,向他发放的责任,我的意思是,刚才总结的起诉书,我将改为: “在此基础上所有已规定,国家委员会确认,中尉瓦尔德海姆是战争罪犯负责战争罪行和分摊上述描述。 “
