帮忙翻译下下我写得 文段!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/20 06:47:37
我们下周一 要英语演讲,介绍一个最喜欢得人,我英语水平有限,请英语高人帮忙翻译一下, 不要太多难词,我才高一!!!谢谢了,如果有翻译好得,100分 奉上!!!!! 下面是要翻译得内容,不要到什么在线翻译里边 翻译糊弄我,那里边得都不通顺!请高寿亲自翻译一下!
今天,我将给大家介绍我最喜欢得NBA球星 Kobe Bryant, Kobe Bryant实在选秀中以第一轮13顺位被黄蜂队选中,不久后便被交易到湖人,开始了他的NBA之旅。而之后,他被评为最被低估得球员之一。 Kobe 是现今NBA中最好得得分手,他得得分手段很多。 他在与Shaquille O'Neal 得合作下,在2001-2003 连续三年拿下 NBA 总冠军。 在2006年跟猛龙比赛中拿到81分; 取得现役球员中单场得分最高成绩,仅次于Wilt Chamberlain之后。 在上个星期一 得比赛中,科比在拿下28分的同时,他也成为了 第 20个 总得分取得23164 分的NBA球员。
有人将它与 LeBron James 进行比较, 但我认为,Kobe的总体实力要高出James许多。 而且 在Kobe与 james的比赛中,Kobe也很少处于下风。
人们都说 Kobe是篮球上帝 Jordan 的继承人, 但我认为, Kobe就是 kobe,它将是与Jordan 其名的,另一位篮球上帝。
听了我介绍, 你喜欢kobe么?
也可以适量 去掉一下没什么用得。 只要 顺畅易懂就行了 我已经 提高 悬赏分数了~!!!!谢谢高手们 帮忙翻译!


I am going to share with you today, my favorite NBA star Kobe Bryant.
Kobe Bryant was listed 13th in the first round of NBA draft and picked by the Hornets; shortly after that he was traded to the Lakers where his NBA career began. Later he was named as one of the most underrated players.
Kobe has a lot of ways to score on the court and he is now the best scorer in NBA. From 2001 to 2003, in cooperation with Shaquille O’Neal, he helped Lakers to be the Champion of the Year for three years running. In a game with the Raptors in 2006, Kobe scored an amazing 81 points and became the highest scorer in a game among the current players, and he is just behind Wilt Chamberlain.
In a game last Monday, after scoring 28points, he had become the 20th NBA player to collect a total of 23164 points.
Someone had compared him with LeBron James, but I feel that the overall strength of Kobe is much stronger than James. Moreover, Kobe mostly came up top aga