
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/09 18:57:24


I bet they didn't tell you that was in the gift bag. Oh my god.
Thank you. Thank you, really.
Oh my goodness. It doesn't come out in slow motion, but it doesn't really ring a bell. The name — I didn't know my name. This Adrien?

Okay. I haven't really written a speech because every time I wrote a speech for the past one of these things I didn't win. But, you know, there comes a time in life when everything seems to make sense and this is not one of those times.

What I do know though is that I've never felt this much love and
encouragement from my peers and from people I admire and from
complete strangers. And it means a great deal to me. And if it weren't for the insomnia and the sudden panic attacks, this has been an amazing, amazing journey.

I have to thank — they're already flashing time's up. I have to thank my mother and father, most importantly, for all the creat