帮忙翻译一句中文 英语高手进~

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/27 15:57:10

Tears damp my eyes at the moment you put my hands in your palms .

如果直译牵手为hold my hands是不是很土呢?you put my hands in your palms把我的手放进你的手心是否更浪漫呵~~tears damp my eyes眼泪弄湿了我的眼睛也有同样的效果~~

the moment you put my hand in your palm Tears damp my eyes.

When you took my hand, for me, that's the hardest moment to hold back my tears.

I'd cloud my eyes(眼睛湿蒙蒙要哭的样子) the moment you hold my hands.

The moment my tears come out is that when you hold my hand.
回答者: 尘埃师傅 - 助理 二级 2-28 22:18
It is when you are holding my hand that I most want to shed tears.这是一个强调句型,强调的部分是when you are holding my hand(当你牵起我的手时),shed tears 指掉眼泪,哭泣,比较高级一点哦,呵呵。
回答者: 非诚勿扰lina - 初入江湖 二级 2-28 22:26
When you held my hand when I most want to cry moment.
回答者: 寂寥的tears - 经理 四级 2-28 22:36
Tears damp my eyes at the moment you put my hands in your palms .

如果直译牵手为hold my hands是不是很土呢?you put my hands in your palms把我的手放进你的手心是否更浪漫呵~~tears damp my eyes眼泪弄湿