
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/02 12:09:17
随着经济的全球化和科学技术的飞速发展,现代物流管理已经成为企业降低成本、创造利润、提高经济效益的新途径。物流成本管理就是通过成本去管理物流,管理的对象是物流而不是成本,物流成本管理可以说是以成本为手段的物流管理方法。现代物流理念引入我国已 20 余年,但是由于物流成本管理包括的内容极广,涉及到成本核算、库存管理、现代信息系统的建立等各方面的问题,目前,我国对物流成本管理尤其是企业物流成本管理的研究尚存在许多薄弱环节。另外,从我国物流的现状来看,虽然也有海尔物流等成功例子,但大部分中国企业还存在物流设施落后;物流作业科学技术含量低;物流标准化、信息化程度低;物流管理方式、水平落后等诸多问题。与发达国家物流比较,中国物流成本要高得多。美国物流成本占整个运营成本的 9%左右,而中国物流成本则占 20%。由此可见,物流要真正成为中国企业的“第三利润源”,必须要通过物流成本管理有效地把物流成本降下来。

Along with economic globalization and the rapid development of science and technology, modern logistics management has become the enterprise to reduce costs and create profits, cost-effective new ways to improve. Logistics cost management is through the cost to manage logistics, logistics management is not the cost, logistics cost management can be regarded as a means of cost of logistics management. Introduce the concept of modern logistics in China has more than 20 years, but because of logistics cost management, including the content very wide range of cost accounting, inventory management, set up a modern information system and other aspects, at present, China's logistics cost management in particular, are enterprise logistics Study on cost management at the remaining lot of weak links. In addition, the status of the logistics from our point of view, although there are successful examples, such as Haier logistics, but most Chinese enterprises still lag behind logistics facil