
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 02:53:41

여름방학기간에 수술받아서,2월말에 출원했어요,의사선생이 삼개월동안 휴양하라고 하는데,그래서 갈 필요가 없는거같아서 공부 않하려구요,교수님께서 양해해주시길 바람니다.


Dear Professor X:
I am sorry to tell you that I decided not to further my study under you because I had had an operation (on my stomach)in the last summer vacation,and had just left the hospital several days before.The chief doctor suggested me resting at home for at least three months,thus I thought I may have to reconsider my decision about my further stu