
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/18 03:53:37
【摘要】 目的 通过问卷调查形式对社区不同人群进行调查,了解社区各类人群有关艾滋病的防治需求情况,分析目前社区在艾滋病防治工作中的作用及存在问题,探讨社区参与地方艾滋病防治工作的模式及其功能作用,提出社区参与地方艾滋病防治工作的相关策略的建议,为全省其它社区开展艾滋病防治工作提供借鉴经验。方法 采取整群分层典型抽样方法,分别抽取贵乌社区和威清社区的社区常住居民、社区流动人口、干部、医务人员,公共场所女性服务人员,吸毒人员共3237名,按照尊重、自愿、保密的原则,得到社区各类人群的知情同意后,使用标准化自填式调查问卷及个人访谈问卷,对其进行一对一或(一对多)的问卷调查及个人访谈。

还真长Objective To investigate the form of a questionnaire to the community of different groups of people to investigate all kinds of people know the community on AIDS prevention and treatment needs, to analyze the current community-based AIDS prevention and control work at the role and existence problem, to explore community participation in AIDS prevention and control work place and function of the model the role of community participation to place AIDS-related strategy, as other communities across the province to carry out AIDS prevention work experience. Ways to take a typical stratified cluster sampling method, collected separately You Wu Wei-ching communities communities and permanent residents of the community, community mobile population, the cadres, medical personnel, female service personnel in public places, a total of 3237 drug users, in accordance with the respect, voluntary, the principle of confidentiality, by the community of various groups after informed consent, the u