
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/15 15:00:34
我看了个版本但不是我想要的那个版本 我要那种缩简版
哪里有文本 谢谢

Nineteenth Century England was characterized by unique moral, political, and social beliefs. In turn, such beliefs shaped how individuals viewed such things as marriage and class divisions. Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre can be seen as a snapshot in history, a social commentary which subtly reveals a distaste for traditional Victorian beliefs. The novel follows the life of Jane Eyre from childhood through adolescence and adulthood. She is portrayed as a female heroine who oversteps the gender and class barriers of her time to pursue and secure her own happiness.

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还是自己在网上找找吧 有中英版本的 .chm格式的好像…