
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/25 00:24:21

里面的音乐我觉得都特刁~ 很有力量 但不知你说的是哪首 我把终结者3的所有音乐给你列了个清单 希望对你有帮助~
1 A Day in the Life _
2 Hooked on Multiphonics _
3 Blonde Behind the Wheel _
4 Jc Theme _
5 Starting T1 _
6 Hearse Rent A Car _
7 Txs Hot Tail _
8 Graveyard Shootout _
9 More Deep Thoughts _
10 Dual Terminator _
11 Kicked in the Can _
12 Magnetic Personality _
13 Termina Tricks _
14 Flying Lessons _
15 What Do You Want on Your Tombstone _
16 Terminator Tangle _
17 Radio _
18 T3 _
19 The Terminator(by Brad Fiedel) _
20 Open to Me(by Dillon Dixon) _
21 I Told You(by Mia Julia)

