
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/17 21:40:31

MILEY为了记住骨头的名字,改编了这首歌,原来的旋律是nobody’s perfect
Miley sings:
And now I take it home, with the parietal bone
It might be crazy, but I learn that way
Temporal and frontal too
And now I'm finally through
That makes 206
I found a way that clicks

Miley thinks and dances:
When I milk the cow
On Uncle Earl's farm
I use the ulna bone
That is in my arm
Miley shouts:

Miley mouths: Help!
Lily: She can't do it without dancing, we have to distract Kunkel.
Oliver: Way ahead of you. You want paper cut, bit my tongue or a nose bleed?
Lily: Oh, nose bleed is my favorite!
Oliver: Well, lean back 'cuz your in the splashing zone. Ow!! Oh man, oh it's a nose bleed! (Lily: Oh, it's gusher!) It's a gusher, that's what it is! Look everyone, it's a gusher.
Mrs. Kunkel: Oaken, Oaken, honestly! Paper cuts, bitten tongues, and now a nose bl