
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 05:50:48

1、Theoretically speaking , the ratio of the work done by the machine__B_ the work done on it is called the efficiency of the machine.
A. and B. to C. of D. against (这题我一直没弄懂它的意思是什么)

2、__C__ it or not , his discovery has created a stir in scientific circles.
A. Believing B.To believe C. Believe D. Believed (为什么用原形?印象中除了祈使句外,没有用原形的啊。难道说这
3、He raised his arm to _D__ himself from the blow.
A. guard B. shelter C. preserve D. shield (C选项为什么不行?)

4、It is essential that these application forms __D__back as early as possible.
A. must be sent B. will be sent C. are sent D.be sent (我原来先A的,是不是essential有虚拟的用法,把should省略了?

1.to的意思相当于数学中的“比”,如果用一个数学式子可以形象的表示为“the work done by the machine/the work done on it=the ratio”翻译过来意思也就是“从理论上来说,一台机器完成工作的量比上该机器所做的工作叫做该机器的工作效率。”

2.不是祈使句,这句话省略了一部分内容,完整表述就是“Whether you believe it or not,his discovery has created a stir in scientific circles. ”所以这里believe肯定用原形的。

3.这里所要填的词意思是“保护”,但是preserve很少用到preserve sth. from sth.这种结构,即使用到,它的意思也是“保护什么使其继续生存下去”,例如:The association was set up to preserve the endangered tiger from dying out.所以preserve用在这里意思有点过了。

4.对,这就是我们经常会遇到的一种句型,即“it is essential that...should be done”后面是虚拟语气,其中should是可以省略的,当然这种句型可不只essential一个,还有很多其他的词汇,在此我就不一一列举了,翻任何一本语法书上面,应该都会有的。


1. the ratio of sth to sth ... 英语就是这样说的, 没有特别理由

2. (whether you) believe it or not ...
(no matter if you) believe it or not ...
(whether you choose to) believe it or not ....

3. 这里肯定是 shield (挡)对啊, 说的是直接的动作

4. 不是虚拟不虚拟的用法的关系
essential 本身就是一定要, 这里和must是一样的
it's ess