
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/18 05:27:47
美国教育家杜威(1859-1952)是实用主义教育思想的代表人物. 杜威认为,教育就是儿童现在生活的过程,而不是将来生活的预备。他说:"生活就是发展,而不断发展,不断生长,就是生活。"因此,最好的教育就是"从生活中学习"、从经验中学习"。教育就是要

布鲁纳(Jerome Seymorr,Bruner1915-)是美国心理学家和教育家. 他认为,少儿应该在教师的启发引导下按自己观察事物的特殊方式去表现学科知识的结构,借助于教师或教师提供的其他材料去发现事物。布鲁纳强调说,发现是教育儿童的主要手段。“人类学习中似乎有个必不可少的成分,它像发现一样,是尽力探索情境的机会。”

Markov Chan's "teaching and the development of" theory the use of his mentor, the former Soviet Union, the famous psychologist Vygotsky's Zone of Proximal Development theory. Vygotsky said: "Teaching should create Zone of Proximal Development, Zone of Proximal Development And so into the existing level of development; education should not be to the development of children yesterday, and should be based on a child's development as a direction for tomorrow." Only when the teaching walking in front of the development, teaching only good results.

American educator John Dewey (1859-1952) is the idea of pragmatism Education representative. Dewey believed that education is the process of children now live, rather than preparing the future of life. He said: "Living is to develop, and continuing development, Growth, that is life." Therefore, the best education is the "Learn from life," learn from experience. "Education is