
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 06:13:55

Zeus 宙斯 Jupiter (Jove)
Hera 赫拉 Juno
Athene 雅典娜 Minerva
Ares 阿瑞斯 Mars
Hephaestus 赫维斯托斯 Vulcan
Artemis 阿尔忒密斯 Diana
Hermes 赫尔莫斯 Mercury
Hestia 赫斯提亚 Vesta
Demeter 德莫忒尔 Ceres
Poseidon 波塞冬 Neptune
Hades 哈德斯 Pluto
Persephone 波尔塞芬尼 Proserpina
Dionysus 狄俄尼索斯 Bacchus
Eros 埃洛斯 Cupid
Heracles 赫拉克勒斯 HerculesAphrodite / Venus
Foam-born goddess of love and beauty, and the wife of the lame craftsman god, Hephaestus.

Apollo, the same in Greek and Roman mythology was the brother of the moon goddess Artemis or Diana and was associated with the sun god Helios.

Ares / Mars
The unpopular Greek war god Ares was associated with the revered Roman martial fertility god Mars.

Artemis / Diana
Artemis is Apollo's twin virginal sister and the goddess of the hunt associated with moon and fertility goddesses like Hecate.

Athena / Minerva