
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/19 13:07:18
2. Declarations of the entities used in the stylesheet: an entity defines a macro replacement for a constant string throughout the stylesheet,andtheuse of an entityentis &ent;. The definedentitieswill be replaced with the corresponding strings by an XML parser. Here in our example three entities are defined for names of the source and target language and the auxiliary dictionary file. They will be used extensively in the following stylesheet.
<!DOCTYPE stylesheet [
<!ENTITY source "html">
<!ENTITY target "chtml">
<!ENTITY diction "document(’dictionary.xml’)/dictionary/entry">]>

声明的实体中使用样式表:一个实体定义一个宏替换不断字符串整个样式表, andtheuse的entityentis &ent; 。该definedentitieswill改为相应的字符串的XML解析器。在这里,在我们的例子中定义的三个实体的名称的来源和目标语言和辅助字典文件。他们将被广泛应用于以下样式表。
“ !文档样式表[
“ !实体源”的HTML “ ”
“ !实体目标” chtml “ ”
“ !实体文辞”的文件( ' dictionary.xml ' ) /词典/进入“ ” ] “
英语 > 中文(简体) 互换翻译