
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/12 19:20:08
7. 您的孩子留学想要选择哪个专业?为什么选择这个专业,是否有考虑过该专业的就业前景?
8. 多少的留学预算是在你的心理承受范围之内的?
9. 对于孩子在国外的生活方面最担心的是什么问题?是否有考虑过陪读?
10. 对于现在很多留学生回国就业,您有什么看法?希望将来自己的孩子也回国发展吗?
11. 您除了通过展会了解出国信息,还有哪些获得海外院校信息的渠道。您对腾讯出国频道有了解吗?你知道腾讯有个大腕博客吗?

7.which major would your child choose while studing abroad? Why? have you ever consider the prospective of its future career?
8. How large a budget would you regard as affordable?
9 what is your biggset worry concerning our child's life abroad?
Have you ever considered to accompany you child to finsih his or her study?
10 there are many students who find a job back in china after graduation from abroad. what do you think of that ? Do you have the some wish?
11 Except from exhibitions, what channels else could you find information about foreign educational institutes? Have you heard the Tencent Foeign education channel? have you heard the blog named Da Wan ?

7. Your children to study what you want to select the professional? Why did you choose this profession, whether it has considered the employment prospects of the profession?
8. The number of students at your budget is within the scope of psychological endurance of?