touch hd 怎么用pocketshield这个软件?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/24 15:51:31
如题 主要是不想用开机键来开屏了 AEbuttonplus这个软件只支持关屏

1.AEButtonPlus-v2.5.4b在此版本可以在小S上映射 "开始" "OK" 和 "挂机键" 单击了


在 AE Button Plus 中将某键设定为运行程序
"\Program Files\vijay555\VJKeyPress\VJKeyPress.exe" 133 一键锁键盘
"\Program Files\vijay555\VJKeyPress\VJKeyPress.exe" 91 打开开始菜单
"\Program Files\vijay555\VJKeyPress\VJKeyPress.exe" 33 向前翻页
"\Program Files\vijay555\VJKeyPress\VJKeyPress.exe" 34 向后翻页
"\Program Files\vijay555\VJKeyPress\VJKeyPress.exe" -copy 复制
"\Program Files\vijay555\VJKeyPress\VJKeyPress.exe" -cut 剪切
"\Program Files\vijay555\VJKeyPress\VJKeyPress.exe" -past 粘贴

This program can be used to simulate pretty much any keypress on the PocketPC.
Usage is very simple, just specify the keycode you want to simulate on the command line in a s