
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/15 21:45:53
今天在给一年级新生上语法课的时候 遇到这么一道08年专四真题
Had Judy been more careful on the maths exam, she ____ much better results now.
A. would be getting B. could have got
C. must get D. would get

标准答案竟然给了A??? (我跟学生说坚决选D 相信我~ 没错的~ 呵呵)

GOSH~~ I was so freaking pissed~~~~~~ 回到办公室以后先网上查了一下相关资料,发现竟然确实有很多A~~更加离谱的是还有很多权威网上选B~

这道题的考点很明显, 从我自己当年备考专4开始就经久不衰的考题-- 虚拟语气的错综用法. 通俗的讲就是句子 前后两部分 对不同时间下发生的情况"说反话" 从句省"if" 提助词 had 结构;主句中的now 在这里就是提醒考生这是一个错综条件句, 主句部分不要用 MOD.V+have done的结构.

为什么会给出答案选A呢???? 难道有更加合理的理解????


很多人的解释是 “本题测试错综时间虚拟条件句。从句与过去事实相反,主句与现在的情况相反。在从句和主句所指时间各不相同的情况下,主句和从句中谓语动词的虚拟语气要作调整,句末尾的now就是表示。” 这个解释没有问题的,now在此在某种程度上确实意指一个进行的动作,如果没有now则用would have gotten会比较好。

I'm getting better offers.
I'm getting better results. 我的成绩正越来越好。(渐进动作,进行时态)

It being a multiple choice question it is not about which choice is correct but which choice is best. The sentence should be:
"Had Judy been more careful on the maths exam, she would be getting much better results now."
That is the best option among the choices given. Better would be:
"Had Judy been more careful on the maths exam, she would have gotten a better result (grade)."
But that was not one of the choices given. The meaning of the sentence:
" If Judy had been more careful (taken more time, paid closer attention to what she was doing) she would hav