
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/18 01:13:12

地址他们几位都已经说好了,在http://www.chelseafc.co.uk/以及新浪网的切尔西中文网上也可以轻松查到, 我就在这里不需多讲了。 我是蓝军的球迷,而且写过信也被回过。 你在信上面最好强调你是中国的球迷,而且也参加了切尔西中文网的注册,最好多写一点切尔西在中国球迷中的影响力和数量的增加,顺便也夸一下他最近的成绩。也许你顺便问一下切尔西俱乐部的用品通过什么方式购买更可以收到回信,而且内容还很丰富,因为最近切尔西俱乐部在开放远东尤其是中国的市场,这样收到回信就很有机会。 至于肯定要写英文,我相信你的英文也应该可以应付。 那祝好运了。

Dear sir ,

I am an honest fan of yours from China named XXX(你的名字) .Although I live in the orient china ,I always look for every chance to watch your match on TV .I know you are one of the best clubs all over the world ,there are many world stars in your team like XXX,XXX and XXX (球队的明星名字).In all your stars, I like XXX (你最喜欢的该球队球星的名字)best,he is the best player as far as I know.His nice pass ,shoot,skill often lead you to win each match.,I crary for all that.

I bagan to support you since 19XX(开始支持该球队的时间),that year you get the champions of league,and I never forget that exciting time. From then I beca