谁能帮我写一篇英文演讲稿 题目是(我的班主任) 150字左右 精炼

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 09:11:01

My teacher

My class Teacher Lin, beauty is a very good teacher.

When we have do not understand the homework on the place, Lin Teacher would have taken the trouble to teach me
Have. Student who do not have the problem, Lin Teacher will patiently explained that until we understand that for
Only. In addition, she also used story-telling approach to cultivate our reading habits.

Lin Teacher in their daily lives are also very concerned about us, classmates have a toothache, Lin Teacher will immediately bring
Him to see a dentist. Who has a cold, Lin Teacher called him drink water.

Lin Teacher in my mind are the mother school. I really hope that Lin has taught me that teachers may
Taught to primary school!

很好啊,这篇我觉得。。嘻嘻,唉,找了好久了,但是只要付出就会有收获吧...(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……

Hello everyone,today I will make a lecture in English.The name is "My headteacher".
My headteacher is not as tall as Yao Ming th