
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/20 00:10:36

A long time ago and far away, there lived a merchant and his three daughters. The older girls were proud, while the youngest girl was generous and kind.

One day, the merchant heard that all his ships had been lost in a storm. He was penniless and would have to move to a tiny cottage on the edge of the woods.

"Everything will be alright," said the youngest daughter, Beauty,. "We can all help. We don't need any servants as the house is so small."

The merchant was very grateful to Beauty. The older girls were very upset, and were no help at all.

In no time at all, Beauty had the little cottage spick and span.

One day, a messenger arrived.

"I have good news," he said to the merchant. "One of your ships has made harbour. You are needed to oversee matters in the unloading."

"Oh, good news indeed!" said the merchant. He called his daughters around him. t