
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/14 08:22:17
在被问及为何觉得在周五和周六最开心时,受访者称他们觉得这两天比较放松,可以自由支配自己的时间。 之后,心理学家又对350人进行了相同的访问。调查结果显示,平均来看,人们在一周中的情绪变化并不大。
负责该研究的查尔斯·阿雷尼教授说,人们通常觉得和起程式化的工作相比,能够自由支配自己的时间更开心,“一周情绪模式”主要源于这种文化观念。 他说,事实上,到了周末,人们并不一定就会心情大好,因为这两天他们经常要从事一些耗费大量精力的活动,劳累程度不亚于工作。

If you struggled to get up for work on Wednesdays, there could be a good reason--it is the day our mood reaches its lowest point.
Psychologists have found that, on average, people's moods remain about the same on each day throughout the week.
Monday has traditionally been thought of as the most depressing day of the week but according to psychologists, midweek gives more cause for concern in reality.
Wednesday represented the lowest point in the week as people were furthest away from the weekend that has either just gone or is coming up and often feel bogged down with work.
Most said their worst moods were on Monday mornings and evenings but they became increasingly cheerful as the week wore on, with their best moods falling on Friday and Saturday mornings and evenings.
When asked why they believed that Friday and Saturday were best, respondents said they saw them as less-structured days when they could choose how to spend their time.
The psyc