
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/26 06:12:28
摘 要


关键词:电影 舞台表演 蒙太奇 非职业演员


Stage there is only one sport, that sport actor, most important matter only. There are three sports on screen: an actor's movement, camera movement, montage of sports. These three must be integrated into a muddy, can make a perfect work. These three sports are all directed at the overall concept of the unity of intent under. Actor in a film in a unique position in a dilemma, he is the most central and most prominent, the most eye-catching is the most passive, most lack creative play room for initiative. Generally speaking, he was only in the movie symbol system for a class of coding.

Keywords: movie theater montage non-professional actors


There is only one sports on stage, that is sports of actor, that's it. There are three sports on screen: an actor's movement, camera movement, sports of montage. These three must be integrated into a mixture in order to film a perfect work. These three sports are all under th