中学生不应该拿手机 英文辩论

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 20:28:34


Iam............e-mail. I can understand you. but frankly speakling ,the moibile phone will stop you from studying if you bring it to school .what 's mroe ,it's easy to lose

I know why your parents would like you to have the phone .it is inconvenient to contact you without it.so if I were you, i would talk with the teacher and ask him or her to let me leave the phone at the school office .what do you thingk about my suggestion ?
best wishees

yours sincerely


Nowadays, practically everyone has a cell phone, and most would agree they are a great convenience. Still, they are the subjects of tremendous controversy. Do they cause ca