
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/24 11:00:05
题目:Do you agree that English is important for communication? Write your answers in the space below. your answer should be about 200 words in length. 急需!!!!!好的有高分!!!!

The main reason to study English is to sound educated and literate. In order to advance in the professional world, you must have proper English and good speech. This ties in the reason for why studying English thoroughly is important in the business world. In order to obtain a good career an advancement as well as respect from your peers you have to be literate and well educated.

An additional reason for studying English is for communication. You are much more accepted in the world if you portray yourself better. People will think of you in a better way and you will have a better chance of being accepted. You will most likely also have more opportunities in life.

In conclusion there are many reasons as to why studying English is important. One is being that you sound more educated and literate, two is to communicate properly with others, and three because it is important for career advancement and respect in the business world. Learning English never ends, t